Bill Murray uttered that in one of my all time favorite movies.
It is also something that's said between the Maus and her brother Eric whenever one of us is out of touch for a bit of time. Don't you love how I occasionally refer to myself in the third person? Just seeing if you're all actually paying attention to my ramblings.
Well, I finally remembered I have this little blog here and decided it was time to update it. I last posted something on Palm Sunday eve and then focused all my energies on Holy Week.
After that, Bubba and I took a week long trip to Kissimmee, Florida where we've had a timeshare condo for almost 30 years. It was really great to have this timeshare week when we lived in Connecticut and then in Northern Virginia. And now that we're only two and half hours north of Orange Lake Country Club, we haven't been as often.
The week began with us relaxing as we got in a round of golf and I then went looking for a church to attend Mass and found a wonderful Parish Church called St. Faustina's nearby. Where better to attend Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday but in a church named after the patron saint of Divine Mercy?
While Bubba continued golfing, I spent a bit of time with a very special lady, Jadeine Shives of the Convention and Visitor's Bureau in Kissimmee. I contacted her before our trip south so I could line up a hotel and develop an activities plan for the 796th Military Police Battalion Association 2013 Reunion. I'll blog more about this event in the future.
The day we got home, I went right over to Aimee's house (see the previous blog) and started making up the Silent Auction baskets for Marissa's Fundraiser. We were truly blessed to have so many beautiful items donated....and while Aimee was in Vegas, she tasked me with putting the donated items into visually appealing baskets. We had two live auction items (think big ticket hotel vacations) and 63 baskets/items in the Silent Auction. The event on April 20th was a huge success and Marissa's team raised over $12,000 for Wolfson's Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida..
Prior to Holy week, I sent my Quilt-a-long with the Sewing Loft and Patchwork Posse quilt out to my dear friends at the Missouri Star Quilt Company for some stippling machine quilting. I got it back the same day we arrived home from vacation and had plenty of time to add the hand sewn binding.
Here are a few photos of the finished quilt.....
The quilt sold for $110 at the Silent Auction. Robert Robertson, who also hails from my neck of the woods in Massachusetts, bought it for his Mom. Thank you, Robert. I hope she enjoys it.
I gave Marissa a choice of quilts for the Silent Auction.....and she was undecided until she saw the scrappy cat. The other quilt she liked was my previously labeled "Ugly Quilt."
Somehow this ugly duckling turned into a swan....
I'm still not a fan of the little flowered prints, but piecing the leftover precut squares together for the border really helped make this comfort quilt come together.
I love the back and the minimal quilting.
Don't look too closely, I still have the binding pinned. This quilt will probably be my Spring donation to the Prayer Blanket Ministry at Blessed Trinity Church.
As you can see, I'm working on photographing my quilts outdoors in natural light, especially now that the pollen is gone and the weather is lovely once again. The privacy screens on our pool deck are finally being put to good use.
I have my Bloom Bloom Pow Quilt-a-long fabric almost completely cut and hope to begin piecing it tomorrow. I also have a few more blocks done for the tourquoise and gray quilt and the chevron quilt is almost ready for sashing between the rows. So I'll definitely generate another post before the week is out!
See you then,
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